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Standard Extract Overview

The Standard Extract is our data export solution. This allows you to access to your WebPT EMR and RevFlow data outside of those applications and import it wherever you'd like.

What is included in the extract?

Our standard extract contains 18 data tables with data from the WebPT EMR and RevFlow. Tables pull data from the WebPT EMR unless denoted with a RevFlow tag.  Note: The Charges and Visits (Notes) tables have two versions, one for SOAP 1.0 and another for SOAP 2.0 Members. Members will receive both tables, one of the tables may be blank if you do not use that EMR version.


What format is the data going to arrive in?

The standard extract is delivered in a CSV format through an SFTP (Secured Shell File Transfer Protocol) site.

What is the purpose of the export flag?

The export flag indicates whether or not the record has been added (1), updated (2), or removed (3). This field updates hourly based on data ingestion timing. Because the standard extract files are generated at a nightly cadence, Members may receive records with an export flag value of updated (2) even if those records were not included in the previous night's file. This type of entry would indicate that a record was both added and updated in the time period between extract delivery. Additions and updates should be managed the same way, first using the unique identifier for that record to identify if it already exists. If that record does exist, the Member would then delete the existing record and insert the incoming record. This process by the Member of removing and replacing any current versions of existing records when updated records are received will ensure that data represents the most recent state of the record.

How often will I receive my updated extract?

You can request the extract be delivered daily, weekly, or monthly depending on your needs. 

Can I request a custom data field, calculation, or extract table?

No, custom requests are only supported in our hosted solution. Click here to learn more. 

What is the cost structure?

There is an initial setup fee and a recurring monthly fee.

Who is the standard extract meant for?

The standard extract is designed for businesses with unique data needs who already manage a Business Intelligence tool (like Tableau) and simply need to import their data into that solution. These businesses typically already have analyst users on staff, and can support the import of the standard extract data. 

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