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Tableau License Types

We provide two license types to your organization: Explorer and Viewer. These roles determine the user’s level of access and data interaction options. Let’s review. 


The Explorer license allows users access and analyze data, create and distribute their own dashboards, and manage content that they have built or have been given the permission to edit.

You might be an Explorer if…
  • You like to get hands-on with data.
  • You need to create your own visualizations using the available data sources.
  • You want to take visualizations and dashboards built by others and edit or customize them.


The Viewer license allows users to view and interact with published visualizations and dashboards. These users can be given permission to access published content and interact with guided drill paths and filters. They can also subscribe to dashboards to get periodic updates and receive data-driven alerts.

You might be a Viewer if…
  • You need data-oriented insights to do your job, but you don’t have time or skills to do deep analytics yourself.
  • You want to interact with visuals others have built, but not build your own.
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