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Therapist: Standard Extract Table

Pulled from the WebPT EMR, the therapist table includes key information about your providers like credentials and NPI.

Data Element Type Description
record_id Integer Unique Record Id for the therapist row
therapist_id Integer reference id for other files
user_name String Therapist user name 
type_id Integer Type ID for the therapist
full_name String Full name of the therapist
email_address String Email address of the therapist
user_status String Status of the therapist A = Acitve and I = Inactive
pt_id String Physical Therapist ID
pt_credential String Physical Therapist credentials
npi String Therapsit NPI
first_name String Therapist First Name
last_name String Therapist Last Name
prefix String Therapsit prefix
suffix String Therapist suffix
middlename String Therapist middle name
clinic_id Integer Reference to the clinic file on the clinic_id field
clinic_name String Clinic Name
company_id Integer Reference to the clinic file on the company_id field
company_name String Company Name
export_flag Integer Export flag 1 = New, 2 = Modified, 3 = Removed
revflow_provider_id Integer Revflow unique identifier for a therapist
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