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Appointments: Standard Extract Table

The appointments table pulls information from the Scheduler in the WebPT EMR. Appointments must be linked to a patient chart to be included in this data set. This file will include any patient appointments that are scheduled from 14 days in the past or 14 days in the future.

Data Element Type Description
appointmnet_id Integer Unique ID for the scheduled appointment, positive numbers are checked in appointments or single appointments, negative numbers are appointments that are scheduled out and may not have had a check in completed upon arrival
parent_appointment_id Integer The ID for a scheduled appointment this is the place holder for the start and end times of the re-occurring appointments
start_date DateTime Start date and time of the appointment
end_date DateTime End date and time of the appointment 
check_in_time DateTime Check in time if the patient was checked in
check_out_time DateTime Check out time if the patient was checked out
calendar_title String Title of the calendar in which the appointment was scheduled this could be a therapist name or a location in the office
clinic_id Integer Unique ID tied to the clinic_id on the clinic file
therapist_id Integer Unique ID tied to the therapist_id on the therapist file
appointment_type String Visit appointment type
case_id Integer Unique value referencing the case id in the case file
patient_id Integer Unique value referencing the patient id in the patient file
appointment_status String Status of the appointment either Active or Inactive
appointment_creator_id Integer Unique ID tied to the therapist_id on the therapist file for the user who created the appointment
apt_apttype string Appointment Type
visit_comment string Comment
reason string Cancel Reason if available
time_stamp DateTime Date record was written
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