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Payment Adjustments: Standard Extract Table

Pulled from RevFlow, the payment adjustment data table contains fields related to payments and adjustments. Notable elements include payment type, payment amount, adjustment code, adjustment amount, and patient responsibility. 

Data Element Type Description
record_id Integer Unique ID for the payment adjustment record
payment_adjustment_id Integer ID for the payment adjustment record
charge_id Integer ID referencing the billing charge record
date_of_service DateTime The date of service for the visit
updated_date DateTime The date the charge was submitted
cpt_code String CPT Code for the charge record
payment_code String Type of payment
payment_amount Float Payment amount
deposit_date DateTime Date the deposit was made from the payor
post_date DateTime Date the payment was posted
adjustment_code String The reason for the adjustment
adjustment_amount Float Adjusted amount from the payor
gpms_code String Company identifier
export_flag Integer Export flag 1 = New, 2 = Modified, 3 = Removed
company_id Integer Internal Revflow Company ID
payment_type String Type of payment, check, cash, etc
patient_credit_id Integer References the patient_credit_id on the patent_credt file
eob_key Integer References the 835 the payment or adjustment is related to
adj_qual String Adjustment qualifier
adj_code String Adjustment Code
payment_code_id Integer Refercense the payment code (Needs c_payment to make sense not for external use)
patient_responsible_amount Float The amount the patient is responsible for
place_of_service_id Integer Internal Revflow Place of Service ID
payment_desc String Payment Description
payment_code_code String Payment Code
created_by Integer Created by identifier
from_payer_id Integer From Payer Id
from_payer_name String From Payer
from_payer_desc String From Payer Description
xfer_amt float Transfer Amount
xfer_ins_code integer Transfer Insurance Code
money_type integer Money Type
timestamp datetime date the record was written
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