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RevFlow Field FAQ

The following FAQs will help you understand how certain workflows can affect the resulting data within RevFlow. 



Field Question Answer
webpt_billing_therapist How does this translate to the THERAPISTS table? THERAPIST.therapist_id = BILLING_CHARGE.webpt_billing_therapist
age_start_date What date does this field represent? Created after EOB is processed. Changes once the cur_ins_class goes from the primary insurance to secondary insurance, and so on. Meant to calculate who currently owes money and how long it has been. Used for the Aging Insurance reports
charge_date What date does this field represent? Represents the created_date. This is when the charge record is created after transferring from EMR.
cpt_code What does it mean when this field is 'COPAY' and 'INSOVER' and why do we exclude it from balance reporting? Insurance overage records create a record with a $0 charge. However, it also creates negative values in cur_balance and owed_amt. Therefore, we don't want to deflate your balance metrics when reporting through aggregation. This is just how the 'INSOVER' are handled for book-keeping. 'COPAY' is not something the standard extract brings in. This is old logic that we keep, just-in-case, but not something you should actually encounter. Item #1 from the Revflow Logic document explains 'INSOVER' in more depth.
cur_ins_code When Cur_ins_code = 0, these are all patient balances? Current insurance fields are used to show where the AR or balances remain in a charge. Cur_ins_code = 0 is the default for 'CASH PATIENT' or just patient. Otherwise, the code is designated to a specific insurance
owed_amount Owed_amt vs cur_balance? These fields are duplicative now
webpt_billing_therapist How does this translate to the THERAPISTS table? THERAPIST.therapist_id = BILLING_CHARGE.webpt_billing_therapist


Field Question Answer
first_billed_date How do we connect BILLING_CHARGE and CLAIM to obtain the first billed date for the charge? Join on BILLING_CHARGE.charge_id = CLAIM.charge_id


Field Question Answer
- Do these table values ever get deleted? No deletions occur.
created_by What are these possible values? "2' and '125' are excluded during total payment summations ONLY when wanting to include PATIENT_CREDIT records to that metric. Otherwise, these values are attributed to each individual user in the system. Also, created_by values can be dynamic, except for '2' and '125 which are static.
original_amount Why would there be positive and negative values? Negative = refund records
payment_code_code What is this used for? Acts as a "code" for the different payment descriptions. I have only seen this field used in the Revflow report Reports > Practice & Location > Payment By Location


Field Question Answer
adj_qual, adj_code, adjustment_code What is the difference between adj_code, adj_qual, and adjustment_code? Adjustment_code and adjustment_desc are unique to Revflow and have a set of system defaults. This value list can change as users from a company begin to add more values. Adj_code and adj_qual are fields maintained by the CMS and are not unique to RevFlow.
patient_responsible_amount Does this represent copay? When the EOB is processed this field is populated and is static. Does not include copay.
payment_desc How do these relate to the payment codes on the table? Pament_code_code is the abbreviated version of the payment_desc. 

Table: USER

Field Question Answer
user_id How does this field relate to the other tables? On USER, user_id = created_by or user_id = updated_by. You can find created_by and updated_by on BILLING_CHARGE, PAYMENT_ADJUSTMENT, and PATIENT_CREDIT
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